My First Stab at Second Life
My current job has me researching social media and online communities. I've run into people who have a Second Life, but never had the desire to start one myself. Last night I decided to set up an account. I can tell you this - Second Life is not for the faint of heart. The world is huge and the learning curve steep. I'm usually pretty good at figuring things out, but I had to twitter, plurk, pownce, facebook, bebo, and rejaw for help. I even bought the 'Second Life for Dummies' book. Finally, a totally awesome guy responded to my Facebook and Twitter calls and graciously gave me a tour. I really appreciate his time and effort.
If the book is right, and their are 9 million people on Second Life, I think learning the environment is worth the time. You can't have 9 million people, 50/50 split male/female, without the formation of multiple communities.
Anyways, if you are on Second Life, I need you to teach me a thing or two. I'm really excited to see what adventures Second Life brings my way. Put your Second Life username in the comments, or email me. My user name is Blackstaff Kiranov.