Exercise Journal - 10/28/2009

Pre-Week One Goals: Wednesday

Pushups: 4 Sets of 15 Reps ea
Situps: 4 Sets of 20 Reps ea
Overhand Pullups:  3 Sets of 3 Reps ea
Run: 2 Miles in 17 minutes
Swim: 15 minutes (Swim #2 of 4)

Pre-Week One Actual Workout: Wednesday

Pushups: 4 Sets of 15 Reps ea
Situps: 4 Sets of 20 Reps ea
Overhand Pullups: 3 Sets of 2 Reps ea
Run: 2 miles in 18:33!
Swim: 15 minutes (Swim #2 of 4)

Workout Music: RED - Innocence & Instinct (Not a great running album, in terms of pacing.  Beat is too sporadic.)

If you log your workout on your blog, include a link in the comments.  I’d love to see what you’re up to!

JournalPaul Watson