Cultivate Depth to Unearth Courage
Courage can be demonstrated by standing up to the school bully or intervening to prevent someone you don’t know from being hurt. But more often than not, it’s the day-to-day moments of reaching down inside yourself to find the courage to stand alone that can be the toughest.Dungy, Tony; Nathan Whitaker (2011-02-21). Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance (Kindle Locations 507-509). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Who am I when nobody is watching?
Am I someone I would want to get to know? Hang out with? Invite to parties? Invite to a hike or campout?
Do I like who I am? Or, would I rather anesthetize myself with T.V., video games, or alcohol rather than spend one moment alone with myself?
I think confidence, courage, character, and humility are the fruit of becoming someone you would admire, someone you'd want to spend an evening with.
I want to cultivate depth - depth of character, depth of experience, depth of thinking, depth of conversation, depth of interest in others.
And, then, I will unearth courage.
photo by MorkiRo